Level Up Your Life
with Feng Shui

Nine Star Ki Reading
Nine Star Ki is a form of astrology utilizing the Luoshu square and the I Ching, which are also foundational in Feng Shui. A Nine Star Ki Reading offers insight about your energy and personality based on your birthdate, empowering you to work with your unique energetic signature to help you move toward your goals with less resistance and more flow. Because your bedroom is the space in your home most closely connected to your personal Qi, we will also look at the Feng Shui of your bedroom and suggest adjustments so that the energy of your environment aligns with your intentions.
You’re interested in an energetic forecast for the current year and/or year ahead so you can prepare for the possibilities!
You’re new to Feng Shui and curious about how it can inform and positively impact your life
Nine Star Ki Reading which includes 3 “Stars” or Numbers - Your Principle, Character and Energetic Stars. Each Star informs a different aspect of your personality
Feng Shui adjustments for your bedroom
PDF summary of what we discuss during the reading
60 minutes over Zoom
New clients: $111 + 9 red envelopes
Returning clients: $90 + 9 red envelopes

Virtual Feng Shui Consultation
For residential and commercial spaces.
Using your floor plan, structural and other design elements of your space, I will provide suggestions as to how you can adjust the flow of Qi in your home or business to energetically support your concerns or goals. Our personal Qi and the Qi in our environment are constantly interacting and influencing each other, so it is important to curate your space in a way that aligns with your energy.
If you value energy work and want to be more mindful of how your environment is impacting your personal Qi
If something feels “off” in your space, but you can’t quite pinpoint what it is
If you are moving or renovating and want to consider the impact that this new space may have on you
If you are already working with an interior designer or decorator and want to incorporate Feng Shui
If you are entering a new season or chapter in life and want to feel energetically supported
In addition to providing your floor plan, you will also choose up to 3 areas of your life that you’d like to focus on in for the next 6-12 months. This will help to guide our consultation. Examples of areas include:
Family or New Beginnings
Wealth & Abundance
Health & Wellness
Your Community or Network
Organization, Efficiency or Follow-Through
Self-Cultivation or Personal Development
Visibility & Recognition
Career or Life Path
Love & Relationships
90-minute virtual consultation
Nine Star Ki reading
Personalized feng shui adjustments
PDF summary of what we discuss during the consultation
90 minutes over Zoom
New floor plan: $261 + 9 red envelopes
Follow up (same floor plan): $171 + 9 red envelopes

In-Person Feng Shui Consultation
With an in-person consultation, you get all the benefits of a Virtual Feng Shui Consultation, as well as having a certified feng shui consultant (hi, it’s me!) read the Qi of your space first-hand. And while some space honorings and clearings can be done virtually, in-person consultations allow Chelsea to perform or guide you through more complex ones if you feel that your space or situation calls for it.
Available only for O‘ahu-based clients at this time.
Using your floor plan, as well as structural and other design elements of your space, we can determine how the flow of Qi (energy) can be improved or adjusted to better support your personal concerns or goals.
You’ll choose up to 3 areas of your life that you’d like to focus on or feel more supported in for the next 6-12 months
90-minute consult and personalized feng shui adjustments
Nine Star Ki reading
PDF summary
When applicable: Space honoring or clearing
A 15-minute initial meet & greet over Zoom and up to 90-minutes for your In-Person Feng Shui Consultation.
New floor plan: $315 + 9 red envelopes
Follow-up (same floor plan): $225 + 9 red envelopes

The Red Envelope Tradition
In BTB Feng Shui, it is tradition that recipient of the reading provide a monetary offering of any amount in 9 red envelopes to the practitioner. For example, $1 each in 9 envelopes ($9 total).
To honor this practice and the lineage of my teachers who have shared their knowledge and wisdom with me, I invite all of my clients to honor the tradition and cultural heritage of this practice by offering 9 red envelopes in addition to the cost of their session. You are not required to offer red envelopes and the amount itself is not important. It has no impact on the quality of your reading or service.
Any gifts I receive in the form of red envelopes are then shared with the greater community in the form of donations to reputable organizations and fundraising efforts.
How to prepare:

Chelsea is a certified BTB Feng Shui practitioner through Mindful Design School. Chelsea believes that by combining intention with aligned action, we can curate our environments to energetically and functionally support us in our pursuit of our aspirations and goals.
“BTB Feng Shui has its roots in the pre-Buddhist, Bon religion of Tibet. It was also influenced by Indian Buddhism and later took on the traditions of Chinese philosophy including Feng Shui. It was brought to the West around 1980, and its practices spread rapidly through the Americas. The BTB Feng Shui Bagua is a modification of the Wen Wang (Later Heaven) Bagua and is superimposed on a site, building, or room using the Three Door Method which aligns the entry with one the three trigrams: Gen (Knowledge), Kan (Career) or Qian (Helpful People). BTB Feng Shui emphasizes following the flow of qi/chi (in the space and the person), the use of transcendental solutions to reinforce mundane remedies, the power of intention and self-cultivation through meditation.
“As taught by Professor Lin Yun, Black Sect Feng Shui is a synthesis of Tibetan and Chinese Buddhist, Daoist, and folk wisdom as well as modern psychology and design principals. Black Sect teaching helps bring to fruition an individual’s wish for positive change in accord with universal principals.”
Source: BTB Feng Shui School
BTB Feng Shui
I am grateful to my Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui teachers, those who have come before me, and those who have taught me directly*. They learned the practice of feng shui from their teachers, who learned directly from our root teacher, his Holiness Grandmaster Lin Yun Fourth Stage** lineage holder of the Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui teachings. I also acknowledge the wisdom traditions that include Taoist, Buddhist, Chinese folk, Tibetan Bon and Tantric lineages that are part of my teachings. These ancient feng shui practices are not mine, and I cannot claim them as my own, they are part of a greater wisdom tradition with deep roots, and I am one small branch on a great tree that has grown from these deep lineage roots.
* Laura Morris and Anjie Cho
** Her Holiness Khadro Crystal Chu Rinpoche is the current lineage holder and Fifth Stage of Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism